On April 26th, @jennifernaraki went numb with the words, “your cancer is back.” Months of pumping poison into her body brought her to this place... again. Her fierce battle with cancer would continue. But when Ovarian cancer comes back- it rarely leaves.
Jennifer is in a fight for her life. She fights with alternative medicine and excruciating chemo. She fights for her handsome boys and husband of 20 yrs. When she fights, she fights with the deepest assurance of God’s good grip on her life. Today, Jennifer, we fight with you.
Today, we sing a hymn of hallelujahs over you. We carry you to the God who heals bodies, hearts and all our sorrows. Please know it's your courage that carries us. Your bravery to face unspeakable fears gives us strength to step into our own dark valleys. Thank you, Jennifer, for leading us to Jesus. Today, we post, love, pray and donate to help prolong her life. Link to give and repost in @themomsweloveclub profile. #loveforjennifer