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Love for Kelsey

On a FRIDAY, @kelseyjeanferguson’s husband, Scott, suddenly died from Granulomatosis with polyangiitis Vasculitis. Four days later, she gave birth to their premature son, Maxley. Doctors said he was terminal. Kelsey was living a nightmare. But there was Maxley, barely breathing, but alive. A beacon of hope in all the darkness.

Maxley had open heart surgery and stayed a total of 226 days in the hospital (25 days on life support). He still needs constant care, but his smile lights up the room. Kelsey is still in the heavy throws of grief while being a single parent to Maxley with his special needs. The pain she feels every moment makes it hard to breathe most days.

Today, we pray, post and donate to help @kelseyjeanferguson. Let’s remind her she isn’t alone. Women from around the world are linking arms and loving you, Kelsey, through prayer and dollars donated. We are trying to raise $3,000 to cover one mortgage payment. Get the picture to post and donate @themomsweloveclub profile #loveforkelsey


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