“I woke up to him seizing on the floor bleeding. My life literally changed overnight…” Krystal says, about the moment her husband suffered a brain bleed, and her worst nightmare became her reality. Krystal’s husband, Nehemiah, lives with an AVM — a brain abnormality that can result in a critical or fatal brain bleed at any moment. Krystal is mom to three young girls and married to the love of her life. @krystalmfesterly lives knowing life is fragile. But she chooses joy and beauty, still and always. • Today, Nehemiah has survived several brain bleeds. He and Krystal live with the side effects of surviving; seizures, loss of basic skills and amnesia— short term memory loss. She says, “It’s like living with Dory…but in reality, it’s more like living with someone with dementia.” @krystalmfesterly is her husband’s caregiver, a mother, and the SOLE financial provider for her family. • As Krystal cares for and provides for her family, she proclaims God’s presence: “No matter how alone I feel in this, He is always with me.” Krystal, thank you for teaching us how to love better and hold tight to hope. Today we pray, post, and donate to @krystalmfesterly. We are trying to raise $5,000 towards the family’s out-of-pocket medical insurance costs. Get the picture to post and donate in the @themomsweloveclub profile, and double tap so more people will see Krystal’s story. #loveforkrystal