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Love for Kassi

@kassibacquet was pregnant at 16. She struggled, overcame and grew into a beautiful young mama. Later, she had four more children with her husband, Daniel. Her youngest are a set of twins: Trax and Tavvi. Within a few weeks, Trax was sick. Very very sick. Her baby boy was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

Kassi knows sickness. She was in her young twenties when she woke up and couldn’t walk. She had a disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Two years ago her arm went numb and vision blurred. The diagnosis came- Mixed Connective Tissue Disease AND Multiple Sclerosis. And last year, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s. She has FOUR different (invisible) diseases.

@kassibacquet always hurts. The future is unknown for her and Trax. Yet, when life is hard, Kassi and her husband continue to work on Young Life staff so youth can come to know Christ. TODAY we get to pray, post this picture, and raise $5,000 to cover six months worth of medication and long-distance doctor visits. 👉🏼 Get the picture to post and donate @themomsweloveclub profile. ❤️ #loveforkassi #lovefortrax


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